Outstanding Staff Awards Announced

Outstanding Staff Awards 2014
From left, President Paul C. Pribbenow, Nancy Shaeffer, Jodi Collen, Martha Truax, Scott Krajewski, Crystal Comer, and Abennet Tulu

Staff Senate would like to congratulate the recipients of this year’s Outstanding Staff Award.

Jodi Collen – Director, Event and Conference Planning

Crystal Comer – Registrar, Registrar’s Office

Scott Krajewski – Director, Information Technology

Nancy Shaeffer – Assistant Director, Graduate Admissions

Martha Truax – Director of Annual Giving, Development

Abennet Tulu – Custodian, Custodial Services

The Staff Appreciation Program is intended to recognize exceptional Augsburg staff members who exemplify the mission statement of the College through their actions. Recipients of the Outstanding Staff Award consistently go above and beyond the call of duty by providing exceptional service to others and/or making innovative and outstanding contributions to enhance the objectives of their department or the Augsburg community.

Staff Appreciation Event set for March 11

Staff members are invited to join Staff Senate in a celebration of Augsburg College staff. We will honor those who celebrated their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th anniversaries in 2013 as well as the Outstanding Staff Award winners.

Tuesday, March 11
2:30-4 p.m.
Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center    (Note change in venue from last year)

This year we would request staff bring a donation of nonperishable food or a toiletry item for the Augsburg College food shelf, Campus Cupboard (see a list of needed items at sites.augsburg.ac/foodshelf).

In order to honor the work of all staff nominated for the Outstanding Staff Award, below are this year’s nominees. There are six award recipients chosen from this list. They will be announced at the celebration event.

List of nominees for Outstanding Staff Award

Tina Brauer — Administrative Assistant, Music Department
Amanda Burgess — Assistant Director, Student Financial Services
Jodi Collen — Director, Event and Conference Planning
Crystal Comer — Registrar, Registrar’s Office
Amy Hanson —  Administrative Assistant, Campus Ministry
Scott Krajewski — Director, Information Technology
Ann Lutterman-Aguilar — Mexico Site Director, Center for Global Education
Regina McGoff — Director, Center for Global Education
Elizabeth Peszynski — Administrative Assistant, Physician Assistant Program
Mulugeta Sedoro — Custodian, Custodial Services
Nancy Shaeffer — Assistant Director, Graduate Admissions
James Shropshire — Assistant Director of Operation and Investigation, Public Safety
Eric Strom — Academic Liaison For Computing, Information Technology
Martha Truax — Director of Annual Giving, Development
Abennet Tulu — Custodian, Custodial Services
Steff Weiss — Director, News and Media Services


Kaivola to speak at Open Forum event Feb. 26

You’re invited to listen and talk with Karen Kaivola, provost and chief academic officer, discussing “The Work Before Us,” at 11:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, February 26, in Room 301, Lindell Library.

Carlson and Haas receive Auggie Pride Award in January

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Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of January.

Beth Carlson, assistant director of the Center for Counseling and Health Promotions

Nomination: “Beth has been going above and beyond to help our students who are struggling with big challenges in their lives, including some students in real crisis. This takes a huge effort to support them, get them connected with the necessary services, medical attention, and sometimes housing and financial assistance. This all goes on below the radar screen because of the needs for privacy and confidentiality, but is sometimes literally keeping these students alive. Beth has been working long hours, even when she is sick, to help members of our community who are most in need. Kudos to Beth!”

Jesse Haas, Recruitment and Promotions Coordinator, Center for Global Education

Nomination: “I have had the pleasure of working with Jesse Haas, recruitment and promotions coordinator, on CGE marketing materials every summer for the past few years and am always amazed at how organized and thoughtful she is about each and every piece. She manages 8-10 large marketing projects each summer, 3 issues of Global News and Notes annually, and many ads and smaller projects in between. I can’t remember a time when Jesse has missed a deadline, and she is always keeping me apprised of changes to current projects. However, where Jesse goes above and beyond is in her collaborative nature, always willing to share her knowledge of study abroad marketing and work with others to figure out the best way to reach CGE’s student base. She is a true team player and a joy to have as a colleague.”

The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate’s desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form or email staffsenate@augsburg.ac.

Shared Governance Task Force Hosts Forums

The Shared Governance Task Force, formed by the Board of Regents, will be holding meetings across campus in the next few weeks with various groups and committees, and with a series of open meetings. Please join members of the Governance Task Force on Monday, Feb. 3 from 11:10 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. in the Marshall Room to share your views and experiences with decision-making and governance at the College. These meetings are an opportunity for all members of the campus community to be involved in constructing the best decision-making climate we can. Forums will involve conversations that ask participants to draw on recent experiences with decision-making at the College to suggest improvements in shared governance.

Other town hall meetings will be held as follows: 

Thurs., Feb. 6, 12-1:30 p.m. Augsburg Room
Tues., Feb. 11, 3:40 – 5 p.m. Marshall Room
Fri., Feb. 14, 9:20 – 10:30 a.m. OGC 100

Mullen to talk at Open Forum event on Jan. 22

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William MullenYou’re invited to listen and talk with VP of Enrollment Management William Mullen about Augsburg’s enrollment, planning, and trends.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Noon to 12:30 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center

Please bring your questions.

Kampf and Truax receive Pride award for December

Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of December.

Carole KampfCarole Kampf, senior accountant

“Carole is an exceptional employee that exemplifies the true Auggie Spirit. Carole works in the Administrative Accounting Office as a Senior Accountant and has been here for 7 years. Carole shows a continuous commitment to Augsburg with an exceptional execution of her position while supporting Augsburg’s Students, Staff, Faculty and vision. Carole is exceptionally caring when serving our students and always creates a welcoming environment.

Carole is able to work under difficult, high-pressure situations and still attain excellent results. In addition to her own duties, Carole is always willing to assist co-workers without a complaint, showing a level of dedication above and beyond the scope of her job, and continues to exhibit motivation, dedication, trustworthiness, talent and self-discipline when dealing with the Augsburg Community.

Martha Truax, director of annual giving

Nomination: “Martha headed up the Give to the Max Day campaign. She has worked tirelessly on this project collaborating with more than 20 different departments to help Augsburg raise funds, be recognized, and share the Augsburg story with a vast audience.  Martha is constantly encouraging people and working above and beyond toward the success of Augsburg. She has designed weekly calls for tips and check-ins with others on how their project is coming along. She is creative, always thinking in new ways and encourages others to do the same. Martha is committed to the mission and vision of Augsburg. She is a true example of service and leadership on campus.”

The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate’s desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form or email staffsenate@augsburg.ac.


Lane, Lee, and Trelstad Porter receive Auggie Pride award for November

Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the three recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of November.

Melodie Lane, athletics administrative assistant

Nomination: “Her enthusiasm to collect valuable data stems from her desire for 100 percent accurate reporting. She is bringing a new level of fiscal understanding to her division.”

Melissa Lee, assistant athletic director/assistant softball coach

Nomination: “Mel is an asst. softball coach here along with running the women’s locker-room equipment cage for years, coordinating all the women’s teams laundry and uniform care, plus she chairs the athletic academic support department. This fall Mel stepped into a new role as an assistant athletic director and took on many more duties while still helping with the transition of her previous duties. There are many days where many of us in the athletics department essentially “got to Mel” when we need something done right away, or need help with something we don’t know. She woks tirelessly for us and definitely is worthy of recognition for how much she does. She goes far above and beyond what is required of her and we owe her our sanity! Please consider recognizing Mel as she is truly a class act and makes me proud to work in this department!”

Jim Trelstad PorterJames Trelstad Porter, director of International Student and Scholar Services

Nomination: “I work with and see Jim on a daily basis. He is an individual who Augsburg is very fortunate to have. He strives to make Augsburg College the best place it possibly can be for both international and domestic students. In transition and challenging times, he continues to be the positive energy, having faith that all will work out.”

The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate’s desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form or email staffsenate@augsburg.ac.

Staff Appreciation 2014 Event Date Set

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The 2014 Staff Appreciation event will be held 2:30-4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, in East Commons, Christensen Center. The Augsburg College Staff Senate will honor staff celebrating milestones in length of service as well as those receiving Outstanding Staff Awards.

Nominations for the Outstanding Staff Award will be taken in January and early February. More information about the nomination process will be advertised throughout campus.

2013 event photo slideshow

Matson, Rumpza and Nagorski receive Pride award for October

Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the three recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of October.

Mike MatsonMike Matson, football assistant coach/Athletic Department chaplain/volunteer strength & conditioning coach

Nomination: “Pr. Mike Matson oozes Auggie-ness. All the way down to his Augsburg tattoo on his calf! He is the linebacker coach on the football team, the strength coach for five Augsburg teams, and on staff with campus ministry. The guy is ga-ga for Augsburg…and it is infectious for other staff members and the student body.”

Jennifer Nagorski 071026Kathy-RumpzaKathy Rumpza, director of marketing communication (left), and Jennifer Nagorski, senior creative associate – design

Nomination: “Jen and Kathy consistently go above and beyond the expected. They deliver amazing, quality results and they think about marketing in creative and unexpected ways. They are always thinking of helpful ways to improve our work and they are patient, flexible, and willing to help meet deadlines or work on last-minute projects. It is a pleasure to be able to work with them!”

The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate’s desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form or email staffsenate@augsburg.ac.